Lillian Birnbaum uses photography as another means of expression besides developing and producing movies through her company peartree-entertainment
photography is for her an adventure of the mind, to mirror the identity of mankind, of life, the simple and the obvious. It is an expression of inhabiting the world…
Lillian’s photo-works examine the tension between the documentary nature of photography and its evocative narrative elements.
Born in New York – raised in Vienna and lives currently in Paris.
From 1982 on Lillian worked as a photographer for magazines in Europe and the USA and exhibited her photography on a regular basis.
From 1998 on Lillian got more and more involved with the film industry,developed and produced several award winning film projects for legendary producer Arthur Cohn .
In 2010 Lillian Birnbaum founded the film production company peartree-entertainment gmbh, based in Vienna, with a desk in Paris , which develops and produces content for Film and Television
2024 / 08 Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg,” Der SELBSTMENSCH” ” Eine Serie von 18 fotos entstanden mit Günter Brus 1989
2023 /06 Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST , Berlin WOMEN ONLY
2022- Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST , Berlin Gruppen austellungen Herbst, Winter, Frühling Sommer
2020-02 -15 Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST , Berlin BEHIND THE SCENES a group show on relationship of film and photography
2019 12-11 In The Fortress / Gallery Traklhaus Salzburg SHIFTING REALITIES photos from movie sets and fairgrounds
2019 03- 06 Museum der Moderne/ Salzburg HUMANITY IN PHOTOGRAPHS/MENSCHENBILDER , Groupshow,
2017 Galerie Heike Curtze in Salzburg/ during Festival “DER SELBSTMENSCH” a limited portfolio of 18 photographs ,a performance with Austrian Artist Günther Brus
2017 Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST , Berlin LIEBLINGS BILDER /FAVORITE IMAGES a group show
2016 Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST , Berlin VIS A VIS a group show
2015 Galerie Heike Curtze und Petra Seiser, Vienna,“DER SELBSTMENSCH” a limited portfolio of 18 photographs ,a performance with Austrian Artist Günther Brus
2015 Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST , Berlin “THE WINDOW – DAS FENSTER “ a group show
2015 Bildhalle in Kilchberg, Zurich “DRIVE IN” a group show
2014 Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg “Hier steht ein Sessel Stuhl, Hocker” Group show of 100 international renown artists about “the chair’
2012 Literaturhaus, Graz, Austria “Das Portait des Dichters in seiner Abwesenheit”
2012 Hauptbibliothek Vienna, Peter Handke. “Das Portait des Dichters in seiner Abwesenheit”
2012 Museum der Moderne, Salzburg “Röcke Tragen”
2009 Andrea Meislin Gallery, New York “Transition”
2008 Musée de l’Élysée, Lausanne, Switzerland (group exhibition) “Teen City,the Adolescent Adventure”
2007 Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Paris “Transition”
2008 Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg “Transition”
1994 Espace des Arts, Chalon sur Saône “Portraits de Sophie” part of the group exhibition Treize en vues,
1993 Galerie Würthle and Messepalast, for Wiener Festwochen, “Vier Frauen”
1990 Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg “Seelenlärm” Portraits of the Artists of Gugging /
1985 Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz – Museum Wolfgang Gurlitt, Linz, Austria “Seelenlärm”
1984 Galerie Würthle, Vienna “Fahrende”
Lillian photographs are in private collections in USA and Europe.
Her photographs are in the permanent collection of the:
“Photography at the Salzburger Landessammlungen Rupertinum”
and the ” Wien Museum “Vienna ,
“Peter Handke- Portrait des Dichters in seiner Abwesenheit”, Müry Salzman Verlag, 2011
“Transition”, about adolescence…. Hatje Cantz, 2008
“Vier Frauen” Portraits of Hanna Schygulla, Barbara Sukowa, Katharina Thalbach und Sunnyi Melles, Heidelberg 1992.
“Fahrende” with an Essay by Ingrid Puganigg, Medusa Verlag Berlin & Vienna 1984.
Photographs are published in books (selected)
Lothar Schirmer, “Du … Augen wie Sterne”: das Hanna-Schygulla-Album, Munich 2004.
Lothar Schirmer, ed. / Hrsg.) “Frauen sehen Frauen”: eine Bildgeschichte der Frauen-Photographie, Munich / München 2001.
Joachim Riedl, ed. / Hrsg.,“Heimat: auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Identität” Vienna / Wien 1995.
“Treize en vues”, catalogue présenté par Renate Gallois Montbrun, Espace Chalon-sur-Saône, Paris 1994.
“Gugging 1946–1986: die Künstler und ihre Werke”, Vienna 1997. Leo Navratil, ed. / Hrsg.,
“Die Künstler aus Gugging” ed. / hrsg. von Leo Navratil, exh. cat. / Ausst.-Kat. Berlin & Vienna / 1982.